Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Focus on Texas .... not GOP

In reading getting back to our roots, I was reminded that lately it does seem like that Mr. Perry is trying his best to be the biggest right wing, most conservative, makes Ms. Palin look liberal and be in Rush Limbaugh’s top 5 favorite people than to focus on his job of governor. He really should remember that he won re-election after having almost 61% of the voters vote AGAINST him.

It sounds like to me as though Mr. Perry is running for a presidential or vice presidential nod and maybe trying to show up Kay Bailey Hutchinson, his rival for the republican candidacy for governor in 2010. Perry appears to be talking out of both sides of his mouth however in that after Hurricane Ike he wanted FEMA to pay 100% of clean up costs, rather than the normal 75/25 spilt, and also wanted FEMA's help with the recent wildfires but yet wants the federal government ‘out of Texas hair.’

Historian Tory Gattis writes that Texas is primed to be the next big wave in growth in the US, following the growth waves of the East Coast, Midwest and West Coast. Texas should be preparing for that wave by strengthening our public schools, grow our research universities and finance the state’s water plan now. Those are just some of the big decisions legislators have before them in this session. That’s what Perry should be focusing own in my opinion, to grow our state and not his political right wing clout.

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