Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bye-Bye, Boys' Club

In all honesty, I did not spend a lot of time looking at the Texas legislature candidates up for election for the November races. I live in Williamson County and it has been a VERY Republican strong hold forever. I was shocked to find out on November 5th when I bothered to look at the Texas races that Williamson County of all places elected a DEMOCRAT and a woman at that. Had to place a call to my UT-ex poly sci major buddy that used to live in my neighborhood that had moved out of state to tell him, I heard the phone clatter to the floor as he dropped it in shock.

I was excited to find this article in Texas Observer about the ‘old boys club’ having a chuck taken out of in the legislature. A grassroots organization, Annie’s List, is helping women to run for and win office. These women are pro choice but after that they are a progressive diverse bunch and Annie’s List helps monetarily, personnel and training wise for the campaign trail.

Reading about this got me excited about following the Texas legislature because of with more women in house we are looking at a bigger push for issues that are close to home, improving education, pay equality, health care and combating domestic violence.

Annie's List

Diana Maldonado